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Mercurial Overview & Cheat Sheet

"Never, ever, EVER use push -f to force. You will regret it."



Mecurial Version Control Overview

Hg Init - Read Me First

Read over this documentation to get an overview of how Mecurial works. You do not need to work through the examples. Just read it.

Mecurial Site

About Case Folding Collisions - Read Me Second

Basic Unix Commands (reference)

Installing Mecurial / Cloning the Archive

Mac Installation

Ubuntu Installation

Windows Installation

Mercurial Cheat Sheet

If you have added content to your archive

hg add

Check to see what files you have added to your copy of the archive before committing. After typing hg status, there will be a list of the files that you added. Make sure that you are not adding huge files. If a file is large, you can delete it.

hg status

If you delete a tracked file from the archive:

hg rm -A

You will get a long list of files – do not be alarmed. This will remove the deleted files in all directories.

To commit the files after you are finished with your change:

hg commit -m “meangingful message”
To get content from the global archive:
hg pull 
After pulling – carefully read the messages that Mecrual gives you and respond to them.

If you do not understand the messages, look at this guide: Mercurial Troubleshooting

After responding to and resolving all the messages from the pull – you can push your committed changes to the global copy of the archive

hg push

Never, ever, EVER use push -f to force. You will regret it.

If you get messages from Mercurial – read and respond to them. If you do not understand the messages, look at this guide: Mercurial Troubleshooting

Mecurial Troubleshooting

Read Me when you get Hg messages you don't understand

Additional Resources

General List of Resources: http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/project_management/archive.html

Mercurial: The Definitive Guide - (Online O'Reilly Media Book - All Platforms)